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If you're here, chances are you've read some of my works. That means you probably already know that I enjoy writing young adult dystopian / post-apocalyptic fiction. I'm currently dabbling in the fantasy genre... more on that to come later. If you haven't yet read any of my books, they're often described as gritty, dark, and intense. 


A little about me... I'm Canadian. Eh? The stereotype is true, in case you're wondering. I think I use the word Eh approximately 40 times per day. I love anything artsy... playing guitar (though I don't practice as much as I should) and I've recently started learning piano using SimplyPiano - pretty awesome app, BTW. I also enjoy painting super heroes or video-game characters for friends and family. What else? I'm addicted to exercise yet also love vegging on the couch and playing Call of Duty for hours (or until I get a headache) with my wife. I'm definitely an introvert and don't require much socialization, but I also love socializing every now and then. In case you haven't figured it out yet... I'm a Libra. We're weird. Or maybe it's just me.


My works are all independently published, so I truly appreciate every reader who takes the time to read my stuff. I have an amazing editor who makes my writing really pop (and also ensures I don't embarrass myself with very odd grammatical errors), and a great team of beta and ARC readers who help me tremendously. 


Speaking of which, if you'd like to take part in helping me out as an indie author, I'm always looking to add new beta and / or ARC readers to my team. Here's a bit of information on the two:






Note: Please only sign up if you are serious about joining my team. I am very open and friendly and am always happy to make accommodations if finances are an issue, but I ask that you do not join the team if you do not intend to leave a review.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I answer every email I receive. =]


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